The 6 best flight comparators to leave on the cheap

The flight comparator, the solution to find these plane tickets at the best price!
To go on vacation by flying, the puzzle can quickly happen. How to find your way among all the prices offered? Instead of reviewing airline sites one after another, you can opt for flight comparators.
Flight comparators find the cheapest plane ticket for you among the entire offer. Very useful and indispensable tools to save money and time. Here are, according to our editorial team, the six best flight comparators that can help you.
Before starting to discover the best flight comparators on the market, it is strongly recommended to carry out the same flight search on two or three different comparators, ideally among those listed here.
How to use Ulysse to pay for your plane ticket with holiday vouchers?
Created in 2017, Ulysse is a 100% French flight comparator! A favorite of the editorial staff, Ulysse offers plane tickets at the best prices, while caring about the user experience. Indeed, if reserving a plane ticket can be a real ordeal, Ulysses makes it a point of honor to facilitate the purchase of a plane ticket, to make it a real moment of pleasure and not a source of anguish.
Ulysse therefore offers a simple and reassuring platform to allow you to book your plane tickets serenely, but not only. Indeed, this flight comparator with excellent customer service also offers gift cards . The principle is simple. As with all gift cards, all you have to do is choose the amount you want to allocate to this gift voucher, and the recipient will only have to use it when booking their next flight.
Finally, the last specificity of Ulysses concerns the means of payment accepted. Indeed, it offers the possibility of paying for plane tickets with holiday vouchers in just a few clicks. You just have to send them by mail, they will then be transformed into travel credits and you will only have to use them for your next destination.